
The Dark, Shiny, Lovely Angel

I’d like to believe that I’m an interesting person. That may be putting too much of a positive spin on things, as I’ve been called complex, high-maintenance, enigmatic, and vain – all of which are valid. My friends call me an instigator, and I wear the badge proudly, although I think I’m subtle – more like a catalyst.

One of my shortcomings is a tendency to explain myself in excruciating detail. I hate being misunderstood. Pity my friends. And perhaps this is why I have this website.

So welcome to my sanctuary – and prepare to tread water in the flood of my prose.

You may already have gathered that I am a writer. I’ve left a trail of over two hundred poems. Besides poetry, there are several novels and children’s books clamoring to escape my imagination and be made real on paper. I aspire to be a storyteller – a good one. Right now I am working on too many projects to focus on writing, but I see writing as a second career down the road.

I am also a graphics artist. My portfolio includes illustrations, newsletters, websites, logos and business cards. I have a number of art projects in mind, but these ideas get no more attention than my writing.

Mainly, I'm a photographer. I had to reinvent and re-educate myself when moving to digital photography in 2007. Even today I'm trying new things and rethinking my approach. Mostly, I try to have fun.

After 47 years continuously working in Information Technology, I retired in 2024. I've been a computer operator, programmer, systems analyst, database administrator, data architect, enterprise architect, strategic planner, agile coach, business systems analyst – and a half-dozen other random things. Technology advanced from punch cards and paper tape to smartphones and servers in the cloud. I've used and forgotten more than a dozen programming languages. Oddly, I can still program in COBOL, and that skill somehow remains in demand. I'm tempted to take up programming apps for my iPhone. Or maybe not.

As a technogeek, I like to work with computers at home as well. My computer of choice is the Apple Macintosh – elegant, powerful, innovative – and extremely well-suited for my art, writing, and photography projects. I’ve written software for my Macs but generally prefer to use magical third-party programs such as Adobe Photoshop.

I’m an avid reader; my home has walls lined with bookshelves. When I moved in 2003, I had 36 boxes of books – not counting the ones in the garage. Topics are all across the board, although there is a sizeable contingent of Science Fiction books.

I don’t read much SciFi anymore. My passion in the last couple of decades has been anime (Japanese cartoons) and manga (Japanese comics). So I have many volumes of manga, anime videos, and anime collectibles. Some of my illustrations are done in an anime style as well. In addition, anime is the source of my Internet name, LovelyAngel.

I like sports – primarily badminton, volleyball, cycling, football, and inline skating – and I prefer participating rather than watching. I’m conditioned to be competitive.

I have a strong belief in God, and I see the different religions of the world reflecting the many faces of God. I don’t think any particular religion or denomination is closer to the truth than any other, and I believe it’s OK to select one and follow its traditions for honoring God. I think the teachings of Christ are powerful and inspirational, and I am a member of the United Church of Christ (UCC) because of its social activism as well as its Open and Affirming philosophy.

I believe in the value of people but recognize our underachievement in supporting them. Consequently, I have a long history of giving regularly to organizations – UNICEF, Food First, Habitat for Humanity, The Hunger Project, Feeding America, Oregon Food Bank, Loaves & Fishes, Transition Projects, SMYRC, Cascade AIDS Project, and more.

I have a history of volunteer work... 13 years at SMYRC... and a photographer for all 12 years that the Portrait Project in Portland’s Old Town was in existence. I have served three years on the Church Council for the Meridian United Church of Christ and also have participated in a build for Habitat for Humanity. It’s not enough, but I don't have the drive, time, and energy to do more at this point in my life.

Pronouns: She/Her.
Hair: Black with purple streaks

I’m a Pisces, born in the Chinese Year of the Sheep. Universalist. Sensitive. Artistic. In the Myers-Briggs universe I’m an INFJ. Introverted. Intuitive. Feeling. Judging (i.e., closure-oriented). In the workplace, however, I tend to operate as an INTJ. In addition, I’m an Enneagram Type Five.

I’m also a “Type A” personality, but I like the label a friend gave me – she calls me a “Zen Type A.” It fits my contradictions.

I love to hear the sound of the Oregon rain while I work at my desk. I love to walk in an insistent and playful breeze on an autumn day. I love pizza and spaghetti and a bunch of other things that are bad for me. I love the company and conversation of good friends. I love my son and daughter – precious and delightful joys.

For the most part, I’m just like everyone else. I make mistakes, and I live to tell about them. I am generous and selfish, proud and humble, assertive and insecure, brilliant and clueless, creative and dull. I can be a dream or a nightmare. But can’t we all?

email me at lovelyangel at my domain


“The thing that makes you exceptional, if you are at all, is that which inevitably must make you lonely.”

– Lorraine Hansberry