Dark. Shiny. Complicated.
The Sanctuary of the LovelyAngel
Since 1997 my home on the Internet has been known as the Sanctuary of the LovelyAngel. I’m still fond of that name as it was established during a difficult time in my life. My personal site has always been a refuge and a soapbox, and it will forever be Sanctuary to me.
The Dark Shiny Object is the more mysterious and whimsical form of Sanctuary. It’s opaque, yet revealing... dark but brilliant. This is my 21st century playground on the web. It’s the domain where I am queen. A complicated, mercurial, perfectionist queen.
This fifth incarnation of Sanctuary is small once again, but I expect it to grow in time – especially as I near retirement. With each addition I can uncloak some aspect of myself or my life. This will be fun.